Let’s be honest, the financial planning industry has been a frustrating one to be a member of with the conflicts of interest, greed, alignment to product providers, and numerous scandals.

Uprise Financial was created out of frustration with this behaviour and influence as well as the desire to build something better for our clients. Our foundation is based on integrity and an obsessive focus on the client and what they want. Trust is earned by honest and ethical conduct and we plan to earn your trust through our actions. Below is our commitment:


Clients First

We commit to never being aligned with any bank, large institution, or product provider. The only thing that we’re aligned to is our values. Integrity is what our business is built on and no 3rd party will influence our advice to you or how we run our business.


We charge a flat dollar fee which is based on the work involved and the level of service you require. Our fees are transparent and clear so you know exactly what you pay for.


We commit to educating you so you don't just receive great advice but you improve your financial literacy as well.



People often say that they don’t need financial advice or they assume they can’t afford it. Most have super accounts, debt, cashflow problems, insurance, investments, and estate planning needs and the value that advice can add is significant. We commit to adding clear value to your position over and above the fees we charge. If we can’t add value we will tell you and find you another solution.

Cancel Anytime

At any point we feel we are not adding value we will let you know and suggest switching off the membership fee. You can also cancel your membership with us at any time if you feel you’re not getting value.

Continuous Improvement

We commit to continually improving our service offering to you and taking on your feedback to always get better. We commit to continuous education and learning so that our skills and technical ability are always market leading.



The biggest compliment you can give is to refer your family, friends and colleagues.  We would love the opportunity to work with them.